Abalone shell for use as smudging bowl

Abalone Shell Smudging Bowl 5 - 6 inches (Out of Stock)

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average rating 97%
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Abalone Shell Smudging Bowl. Great for burning loose sage or fill it with sand for burning charcoals. These beautiful shells are 5-6 inches wide.
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Abalone Shell 5 - 6 inches

These beautiful abalone shells make fabulous containers for burning loose sages and cedar or resins. They are 5-6 inches wide. Great for keeping your sage and cedar smudge sticks in when the stick is lit but you are not holding it.

WARNING: If you are using charcoal tablets for burning resins like copal, frankincense and myrrh, you will need to put an inch of sand in the bottom of the shell to prevent the shell from getting too hot and burning you or the surface under the shell.
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average rating 97%
23 reviews

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Featured positive reviews:

average rating 100%
Nice... 12/03/2015
By Russell Behrmann
I consider these items to be very sacred, and I feel I need a level of trust in my suppliers. I recently lost one of my suppliers and it's scary to go on the web where you have no guarantee of the honor of the people your dealing with. I was pleased to find that my order was delivered in a timely fashion and that the items purchased were wrapped carefully and with the respect they deserve. I may have a new source!

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